I am from... | Teen Ink

I am from...

February 9, 2016
By cbrzenk GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
cbrzenk GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the “I’m proud of you” speech

with a vanilla cone in a different town every Sunday
the weekend spent between the lines...

From Teddy Brzenk’s granddaughter,
the Milwaukee hall-of-famer emerging in the big leagues
a game that runs in our blood…

I am from Saturday dinners to Sunday shopping trips
and a four-hour canoeing expedition on the Kickapoo
the realization that life is what we make of it-…

From Brittany, Alyssa, and Claire,
the three sisters that believe they can do whatever they set their mind to  
a family built off the love of high school sweethearts…

I am from more than dark hair and olive skin
and the green eyes that watch and wonder in our world
the girl, deeper than her outward appearance…

From coming home at 11:30 on a school night,
the drag out of bed on Friday morning because dad and I stayed up talking
a bond never broken…

I am from lake water, sleeping in on rainy days, a familiar smell
like the feeling of looking around at those you’re lucky to be loved by
the treasures that cannot be bought or stolen...

From “you guys are all so full of life, I hope you don’t lose that,”
finding comfort in family
a life I feel blessed to be living.

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