Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 9, 2016
By kjlkelsey SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
kjlkelsey SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from little pink fingernails and polka dotted hair bows

from mom’s pearls, princess dresses, and fashion shows down the hallway.

I am from crunching on toast while absorbed in Blues Clues
from leaping on couches to avoid lava
from Barbies, Polly Pockets, and American Girl Dolls.

I am from Sunday mornings spent in children’s church
from singing “Deep and Wide,” reciting John 3:16, and memorizing the story of David and Goliath.

I am from afternoons at my grandparents
from the laughter of my family, roast and gravy passed around the table, and a roaring fireplace.
From Grandpa snoring in his recliner and the mumbles of baseball announcers on TV.

I am from parents who do all they can to provide for their kids
from nights spent working long shifts and less than four hours of rest.
From waiting anxiously to see Daddy walk through the door.

I am from nights reading and discussing devotionals
from siblings gathered around and Mom reading from the Bible.
Teaching me to “trust in the Lord with all my heart” and make my faith my own.

I am from the loss of a loved one
an unexpected call, tears, and shock
from watching a family lose a mother they loved-- my Mom’s best friend.

And I’m still from those little pink finger nails and polka dotted hair bows
from mom’s pearls, princess dresses, and fashion shows down the hallway.

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