Ode to the fall leaf | Teen Ink

Ode to the fall leaf

February 5, 2016
By CountryRose GOLD, Goshen, Indiana
CountryRose GOLD, Goshen, Indiana
12 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
I wanna be a girl that when I get out of bed
in the morning Satan says "Oh crap she's up!"

Color of the sun
at dawn
The fragile leaf
clings to the branch
a summer home
Gently falls
to the ground
In a graceful dance
except by the child
chasing the little leaf
colorful as a flower
of light
A soft wind sweeps
across the roofs
through the fall flowers
into the branches
an invisible leaf chariot
it guides the leaf up and down
just ahead of the child’s outstretched hand
The leaf
Dances up, up,
into the blue
of the sky
In the fall
A small leaf finds freedom.

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