Society Stole you, I Found Myself | Teen Ink

Society Stole you, I Found Myself

January 25, 2016
By taylorjoanne7 BRONZE, Brownsville, Oregon
taylorjoanne7 BRONZE, Brownsville, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

The First year was bliss.

Best Friends? That was a given
I never second guessed our friendship

I was shy, quiet, and lonely
Friends came and went, but they never really stuck around for long
But you changed that, you stayed for quite some time.

Every Day, Every hour, Every Second
Never a dull moment, never a boring day
We were inseparable

I was convinced, we were a pair for life
There was excitement in life again
I had a purpose

What was it now?
2, 3, no 4 years ago
Don’t get me wrong, part of it was great
But at a point when the downs are more common than the ups,
You just kind of…
Give up

I tried,
I fought
Maybe a little too hard
I held on sot tightly, never wanting to let go
But can you blame me? You were my only true friend


Chain and ball, I couldn’t break free
Only a short while in this “friendship”
Your jealousy took over
I was a prisoner, I was stuck
Your emotions took over, I couldn’t take a stand
I gave into your sick twisted games

You made me feel like nothing
I know envy is a sin, but can’t you see, I have no one, you have every one
I’m alone in a corner, on the side of conversations
I was simply a thorn in your side
Am I not good enough to be your only friend?

You made your point, I tried for you
I now understand, you follow me like I’m your shepherd, and you, a little sheep
You finally realized, I was trying to break free, you took the lead and tossed me to the side
You had to leave because I was there, ‘my presence hurt you’
You blame it all on me, well it’s not all my fault
I made an effort
You beat me down, I finally cried for you
Yet I hurt you?!

I fought for my only friend
I wanted to make you mine
I wanted you all the time
All me, all the time
It wasn’t fair to me, I only had you
So yes, you hurt me
I will not apologize, I did nothing wrong
But please, come back to me, I am lonely

You cried for days, like you actually cared
I tried to explain, but then more tears
I thought I lost you, I thought I killed you…
Hearing your voice again, finally broke my walls
I gave in to your pathetic tears.
I’m the pathetic one now…
I didn’t stand up for me

Haha I won, you stupid fool
I have you wrapped around my finger
You are clueless
I have you sympathizing over me, you pathetic excuse for a person
My father taught me well

I let it go, and we try to move on
Another year goes by
You begin slipping
Look who is trying to hold on now, me
Slowly but surely, down through the cracks
Losing what you had, losing what we worked so hard for
Morals, self-respect,
I can’t help but blame myself

I’m going through a tough time, my actions are excusable
I don’t care about my hobbies, that was so yesterday
Oh hey boy, you’re in a relationship? Oh well. Text me?
Church, no I’m good, that’s your thing
Let’s see how much damage I can do
Oh, Taylor, silly girl
We are only friends when it suits me
I hate you, remember?

DO your parents even know?
Your actions are questionable
I should tell them, take a stand for me, for you…
They support you?!
Of course they do, no wonder who you get it from
We used to say, BFF’s always, Gods children, save ourselves for marriage, live life happily
Now you don’t care, you just threw your life away
You act like a prissy cool girl that wants everything
Oh don’t you worry, you’re hurting me, no big deal…

People change Honey
I can’t be yours forever
Oh here, let me tell you something
Oh please, you’re not good enough to hear what I have to say
Have new friends, I have a new purpose
I followed the crowd, I learned

You’re ruining your life
You’re letting yourself trickle down the drain
I tried to make this friendship work, but all I feel is pain
Now you’re just throwing it all away
You followed the wrong crowd
Now, I can’t break free
I want to help you, I want you to find your way back, remember who you used to be
You’re not living your life, your living societies
Please, come back to me, please...

I enjoy my new life
I don’t need you anymore
You got me to where I am going
Thanks, Oh don’t forget, I hate you
Maybe we can be friends tomorrow, if I need you of course
See you never, unless I need you

I can’t trust you
I can’t believe you
You were going places…
I should have stood up to, before it was too late
Look at me, I’m the one holding on still
Please, someone, give me the strength to stand up
To at least break free
To cut all ties from her
But first tell her everything
I want her back on a good path, I still care for her
Someone needs to stand up for her
We all know I can’t, I didn’t, now look where she is
‘She found herself’
More like society took her hostage
Look at all the damage I did…

The author's comments:

This piece was written as a reflection on a friendship I had, for an Honors English Slam Poem. It is from the perspective of two people, but all written by me. The first part of the title is me, and the second is 'her', then the first paragraph me, second her, so on and so forth.

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