War Zone | Teen Ink

War Zone

January 21, 2016
By Agony SILVER, Milwaukie, Oregon
Agony SILVER, Milwaukie, Oregon
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Open Your Mind Before Your Mouth - Motionless In White

My life is a war zone,

Chaotic and frightening,

The things I have seen,

The things I have said and done,

There so unbelievable,

Oh so terrible,

Sometimes I wonder why the sun still shines so brightly in my life,

It makes no sense when my life is nothing but a nightmare,

Hell on earth,

Aren't nightmares supposed to be dark,

Everyday of my life is i am battleing someone or something,

Sometimes I am even battling against myself,

I never seem to win though,

Will I ever win,

Will I ever know what it is like to feel free from this never ending battle,

Will I ever be at peace with the world and the many people and things that live here,

How did my life get to this point,

How could I have let it,

Why can't I see the light of freedom that I want so badly,

These battles I am fighting,

They seem to go on for days,


Sometimes even years,

They seem so never ending,

As soon as I think that it is all over and I can be at peace,

It all starts again,

Another battle,

It feels like there is no escaping,

Maybe this is how life is meant to be for me,

Maybe I will always be the one who has to fight,

The one who will always lose,

Is it meant for me to be suffering this bad,

Every single day of my miserable life,

Why is it that I can never win,

War zone,

War zone,

That is all my life is,



Why must I be the one who is suffering so badly,

When will it ever stop.

The author's comments:

This is about how I see my life.

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