Visiting The Great Waters Of Lousisana | Teen Ink

Visiting The Great Waters Of Lousisana

January 14, 2016
By BrysonBowen BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
BrysonBowen BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


  Warm breeze, tropical weather, late dark nights,
and very high up in the atmosphere
while my ears are steadily popping,
like the sparks of a fire.
Just arriving, where a very chilly breeze greets me
while on the way to my grand-parents house.
Very weary. Still in need of unpacking,
and some sleep.

Wake up, very bright and humid outside. Nice cloudy day.
I’m eating an amazing breakfast.
Then headed to the Professional Fishing Shop,
next to the Mercedes Benz Superdome.
Busy bagging jigheads and hooks.
Fingers are really hurting,
I am consistently getting stabbed with a knife.

Later that weekend, a very tropical breezy afternoon,
I’m out on the water of the Delacroix Island.
It was a million degrees, sun beaming off the water.
Feeling very sunburnt Cruising through the murky, and brackish water of the island.
Where the lake meets up.
Consistently and constantly, me and Gramps, rippin lips.
Gramps and I love the exhilaration of hooking one,
and reeling it in the boat.
Heading back to the dock to load up and leave.

On the way back the water was slithering snake.
There was a storm in the area, wind was yelling, and picking up speed.
It had started pouring down on us,
like we were on a water ride at an amusement park.
The water was so rough.
We were pretty much, bouncing on the water like a bouncy ball.
Just got back to the dock.
Sadly leaving Louisiana, to go home to get ready for school. Heading back to Virginia, and saying my goodbyes.

The author's comments:

My name is Bryson, I love fishing, and most of my family lives in Louisiana and Mississippi.

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