I CRIED after she DIED | Teen Ink

I CRIED after she DIED

January 1, 2016
By JJMAC GOLD, Okaton, South Dakota
JJMAC GOLD, Okaton, South Dakota
15 articles 1 photo 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
Fire can't put out fire, only water can do that.

People who fight FIRE with FIRE BURN there houses down TWICE as FAST.

My Aunt we will call her Aunt Sorry.


Got ALS, and I was young(er) at the time. She lived for, ummm I'm thinking it was atleast three years with ALS.


Untill she died, Aunt Sorry moved back into the house next to our granparents house. So they could tend to her needs better.


One day, G-MA called my mom and told her Aunt Sorry wasn't breathing right, that she was on oxagen as then spoke.


Mom decided that we were going down to the G-parents house that verry day.


We got halfway there when G-MA called again saying that Aunt Sorry was doing fine now, but mom and dad decided to just keep going down to Aunt Sorry's anyway.


Well me and my CUZ's, watched open season 1 while the parents all congergated in Aunt Sorry's bed room.


I walked to the door and saw her lying on te bed pale blue lips and I lost it, I wen't right back to my movie and never left it again.


But then my, dad told us it was time to say Good-by.....


I walked in there with my CUZ's and a bunch of crying adults and said BY to my Aunt Sorry.


Then walked right back out and finished watching Open season 1.


My and my CUZ's sung at the funeral and well I didn't CRY.


EVER, not the night she DIED, not the next day, not untill a year later.


When I relized she had UNDERSTOOD ME, like no one else did.


She had understood my wild spirt that need to strike out on you're own. She also had shared my passion for MOVIES AND ART.


And as I walked through that empty house I cried, I kicked myself for being scared.


I wanted a DO-OVER.


I wanted three more minutes.


I wanted to re-live it and shut that movie off!


I felt like a terrible person.


And It's too late now, But I still tilt my head up talk to her.


But still I struggle with the guilt of the what IF?

The author's comments:

I never relized she was goign untill she was gone.

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