Blossoming in a Flower Pot | Teen Ink

Blossoming in a Flower Pot

January 4, 2016
By Miss.Alexandria PLATINUM, Los Angeles, California
Miss.Alexandria PLATINUM, Los Angeles, California
21 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
What would you do if today was your last day to live? Now go do it.

Take me and make me into a orchid.
Life's rough hands grasp onto the little seed of me and buried myself into this dark dry soiled desolated box.
Every now and then someone might occasionally pour water on me to help soften an open me up.
But as soon as I start
Here comes someone else adding more dry soil.


Making it harder and longer for me to push through and blossom.

But I notice my roots are becoming more stable from all this soil that someone stuffed in here.

But it's fine because after all the pushing..

I finally see the sunlight, and I can see everyone around me.
Surrounded by life family and friends and realizing some were the ones watering me...
And some kept me buried.

The author's comments:

Recently I've been going throuhg changes were friends aren't that close anymore and I've had to push throuhgh the extra struggle they've given me.

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