Home is where your heart is | Teen Ink

Home is where your heart is

December 30, 2015
By aMeThYsT15 SILVER, Eatonville, Washington
aMeThYsT15 SILVER, Eatonville, Washington
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
~Life's a dance you learn as you go~

I prefer mist in Evergreen trees, the feel of rain on my face, the smell of cold clear mornings.

Sparkling frost on spring flowers,

to everblooming tropics.

Thunderstorms and rain on tin,
to constant sun in my hair.

Creaks in trees when the wind howls,
to overwhelming heat that's nothing special.

I may wander but I will return, for I prefer this paradise
to anything else.
My home The Pacific Northwest.

The author's comments:

My small home at the bottom of Mt. Rainier.

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