Omnipotence in Olympia | Teen Ink

Omnipotence in Olympia

December 1, 2015
By 7gundrum GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
7gundrum GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Scandals scuff on the dirt...
Surrounded by arrogance,
Soothing anticipation,
Suppressing angst.

I bolt.
Feet ache
Crowds roar
My head fills with numbers and figures
My heart beats fast, battered with defeat

Sandals step into the temple...
Stolen is arrogance,
Struck with adoration,
Steadfast in awe.
I kneel.
Body calm
Ivory illuminates
My head relieved of nonsense
My heart awakens, enclothed in comfort 

Sandals rest upon a great platform...
Firm foundation
Massive proportions
Heads are steered towards inner purpose
Hearts are filled with unwavering peace

The author's comments:

This is about the satue of Zeus in ancient Greece. 

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