Heart Speaks | Teen Ink

Heart Speaks

November 30, 2015
By Miss.Alexandria PLATINUM, Los Angeles, California
Miss.Alexandria PLATINUM, Los Angeles, California
21 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
What would you do if today was your last day to live? Now go do it.

Eyes as deep as the ocean and as brown as hazelnuts.
A body built to protect and conquer.
Solid as bricks and structured like tall majestic mountains and chestnut skin.
Someone smile who can brighten up the darkest place in my heart that I always use to visit unvoulentarily.
He is better than any superhero in Marvel or DC.
And someone extraordinary like this trust me..
He trust me with his life and love..
I've never been connected to someone to where I hurt with them. .and for them.
My self being aches for him and I don't think he knows.
I don't want him too..
But I want him to know my heart get stronger for him everytime it beats. 
My heart calls for him everytime I cry. 
My shoulder wants to catch his tears as they fall. .
I'm glad he doesn't feel the need to hide from me. .cause I never hide from him. 
I never hide from myself around him.
I hope he knows just how much he means to me.
Just how much I want to protect him.
Just how much he can count on me.
I will never leave someone who I know is made for me.  That will never happen. 

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