The One I Lost | Teen Ink

The One I Lost

November 24, 2015
By KCMarie SILVER, Christiansburg, Virginia
KCMarie SILVER, Christiansburg, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" It's not about race, it's no competition and it shouldn't be. We're all human let's show or future children that all races can get along"

I think about you all the time

You use to make me laugh and cry

I still can't believe your gone

I want to hear your voice at night


My senior year was rough

Knowing I lost a cousin

I dearly loved

You're with god now


You was taken after you're 19th

I never got to say goodbye

It's been four months now

Atleast I know you're in paradise

The author's comments:

I lost my cousin over the summer, his birthday was in July and I lost him in august. I sat and cried and cried, so I wrote about him so I could feel good and knowing I'll never forget about him.

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