Poem 1 | Teen Ink

Poem 1

November 18, 2015
By Joseph_B BRONZE, Plaqumine, Louisiana
Joseph_B BRONZE, Plaqumine, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

A cloud wanders lonely as I do myself

It flies above tall buildings and mountains
All of a sudden a crowd comes toward my vision
A mother, of sunflowers;
Close to the lake below the trees
They’re moving with the wind.

Closer and closer as the stars start to sparkle
And glow on the asteroid belt,
They stood out in a line that wouldn’t leave
On the right of the bay:
Over a billion looked close at me from a far,
Swaying their bodies in an undead strut.

The strands on the side of them moved; but they
Had showed off in comparison of the shiny waves
A writer can only be odd,
In such a half lighthearted crowd:
I gazed and gazed even more and only little came to me
What happiness the company of mine brought:

For often, when I laid on my bed
In a loss of feelings
They glimmered on the inside out
They were left only of solitude;
As soon as they left my heart was filled with joy,
And dances with Sunflowers.

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