Falling | Teen Ink


November 10, 2015
By CheshireFox67 BRONZE, Rockport, Texas
CheshireFox67 BRONZE, Rockport, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were big things" -Kurt Vonnegut

When one person falls,
and they can't be caught,
and you feel so alone,
that can’t possibly be thought.

And many know,
but not enough care.
But many care,
and not enough know.

As you sit there alone,
reading in silent pain,
reading about painful silence,
you notice how empty you mind truly is.

Once you realize how silent your thoughts are,
and you know you’re falling deeper into the depths,
and you find that you can’t be caught,
you finalize that happiness may never be bought.

Once the days get shorter,
the days get longer,
nights become days,
days become nights.

One person catches another,       
it's possibly too late,
While one person grieves,
Two people beam.

The author's comments:

Sometimes people leave, or friends fall into darkness, and sometimes we can't be there to catch them. We just have to try our best and find them.

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