Poor Doesn't Define You | Teen Ink

Poor Doesn't Define You

November 10, 2015
By acarviou BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
acarviou BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was born I was held by rough working hands,
It was these hands that made me a tough child.
There were two generations of maids
growing up I was told that I would work as they did,
in fields and houses of the rich, being a working hand.

Every time I stepped from a door, Poor was my last name 
The kids at school would laugh,   
look at me with faces of disgust
because I wore the clothes that
they threw away in their garbage cans.
They told me I was the daughter of a maid but
to this day I do not feel the shame.

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