Foliage | Teen Ink


November 19, 2015
By breanalexandria SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
breanalexandria SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

let go of your viridity and
kiss your monochromatic days goodbye.
invite the plethora of fiery pigments
to venture upon your surface.
let each color mix and morph
and create brilliant new hues.
accept the interest
everyone will have in you,
attempting to comprehend
the impossibility of your immense beauty.
even the regal sun will notice your royalty
dancing on each stroke of magnificence
until the cool night falls.
feel your complexion dull,
your vivid depictions weakening
to a sad shriveled crisp of brown.
allow the tree holding you now
to loosen its grip.
don’t try to grasp its chilled, dead wood.
fly away
swaying with the wind
as it carries you off to your destination
a filthy pond
a manicured lawn
or a dingy sidewalk.
no one will remember you
once the crystal flakes of precipitation
bury you into the cement.
and your beauty will remain
a mere memory.

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