Holding On | Teen Ink

Holding On

November 10, 2015
By sierraj1998 SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
sierraj1998 SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

2. Holding On
As I am swimming I breathe rapidly
As I get deeper,
The wave crashes into me
I get trapped,
I can’t breath like a bubble that’s trapped inside your windpipe
I think it’s the end…..
but then there you are
I hear you call  my name
I see you, reach for me
I return to the surface
But you disappeared like the sun falling over the ocean
Another wave pours over me and I get swallowed by sea
I hold my breath one more time
The water brings me under like it welcoming me to the swirling party
I see the light
It has to be the end
but no,
I faintly hear you,
I squint my eyes but the waters to thick
I reach the surface
but then again you’re gone……..
I’m about to let myself just drown
then I hear the rumbling engine of the boat
I reach out and you grab me
As I catch my breath,
you hold me close to your warm body
I knew you would come back and save me
I always knew.

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