I Wanted to Show You | Teen Ink

I Wanted to Show You

November 6, 2015
By jessican1 SILVER, New City, New York
jessican1 SILVER, New City, New York
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you work hard, you will achieve amazing things."~ Alan Pierce (grandpa)

I wanted to show you a powerful
war moment.
To make you think about things that came before
and after
these brave soldiers struggle

I wanted to show you
soldiers that are brave, and strong,
with most of their bodies full of bandages covering war wounds
which they cannot hide
from their enemies.

I wanted you to notice
That they are standing proudly
on top of debris from the war
that recently passed through the land
because they wanted to show
how brave they are
and still standing tall.

I wanted to show you
the caringness other soldiers felt for them,
how they did not leave them for dead
and helped them survive beyond the war and the mountains around them.

I wanted you to notice the wooden board,
and the debris surrounding them
to make you understand
the struggle and pain they are going through
and the sacrifices these brave men
had to make.

Which is why I wanted you to take this moment
to appreciate their struggle, their courage
and the beauty within that.

The author's comments:

My peice was inspired by the book, "The Things They Carried" by Tim Obrien. The book is about his experiences in Vietnam as a soldier. I hope people will understand the harships soldiers go through in war and will learn to thank those who help fight for our country everyday. 

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