My Poems | Teen Ink

My Poems

October 21, 2015
By Johnfoss BRONZE, Bay City, Michigan
Johnfoss BRONZE, Bay City, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


The smell of french fries in the stands
As i'm running around on the field I feel as fast as a cheetah.

The lake behind the field
The bright green grass
Scattered seagull feathers scattered on the field

As it gets later in the game I feel the cold air come out
The night sky was a dark blanket over the stadium

I hear people in the stands yelling and cheering.
Our whole team is pumped up
We’re ready to go.

When they call the play I go up to the line.
The quarterback starts his cadence

I take off from my stance
I take the handoff and run upfield following my blockers
I go for the first down

I feel someone hit me from the side
I'm down
I look to see if I got the first down.
I got it!
Now it's time to do it again as I go back to the huddle.


Where I come from

I'm from the river where we go boating in the summer
and Ice skating and snowmobiling in the winter

I'm from going on bike rides and eating ice cream on hot summer days
And play basketball in the driveway and football in the yard

I'm from having summer night bonfires
And kayaking in the river

I'm from running around with football pads on in the fall
and running around on a track in the spring

I'm from not being able to sleeping on Christmas night
and eating as many christmas cookies as I can


I Dream

I Dream…
I could have ice cream with topping every day and still be healthy

I Dream…
About having billions of dollars to buy anything I could ever want

I Dream…
There would be no school and I could just relax at home and hangout with friends

I Dream…
About not aging and being young forever

I Dream…
About having a peaceful world without war

I Dream…
About having no hate or racism and everyone would be equal

I Dream…
About playing professional football and be successful



I have learned that as a writer I used to not be as open about what type of personal stuff I put in my poems. But now I put more personal stuff in my poems. I also think i've become a better writer and have gotten better at making them flow. I like writing poetry but I'm not good at making it rhyme so I like free verse more.
At the beginning of the year I felt that my writing didn't make as much sense and I didn't use stanza breaks in the correct place. Now I think my writing is more fluid and the stanza breaks add emphasis to what the poem is trying to say.
My favorite poem to do was the Football overservation poem. This was my favorite poem because It brought back good memories of the beginning of the football season. I also liked writing it because It wasn't too hard to write because it didn't have to make it rhyme.
In my football observation poem I changed it by breaking up some of the stanzas to put emphasis on some of the words. I also added the Quarterback's cadence to add to the atmosphere of the poem. I put some similes and metaphors in the poem to show try to describe what It felt like and the atmosphere. I made the choice to make these changes because I thought it would make the poem have better flow and make the reader feel like they were there.

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