Painstakingly Slow | Teen Ink

Painstakingly Slow

October 13, 2015
By Cayleigh_H GOLD, New Hyde Park, New York
Cayleigh_H GOLD, New Hyde Park, New York
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Beyond all the ideas of right and wrong there is a field I will be meeting you there.~ Rumi

People talk way too much.
empty, comfortable silences have to be blanketed with music or talking or some sort of sound.
It’s weird.
The fact that humans cannot sit with each other in plain silence is frightening. Do people always have to be doing something to not feeling uncomfortable? Can we just sit and watch the world go by? Beauty comes and goes at a cost and that cost is your time, a small amount of time you have.
Humans need for unattainable romance or affection is confusing. It makes people wait, and waiting wastes time.

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