Hell on earth | Teen Ink

Hell on earth

October 9, 2015
By Agony SILVER, Milwaukie, Oregon
Agony SILVER, Milwaukie, Oregon
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Open Your Mind Before Your Mouth - Motionless In White

Fake a smile on her face,

Walk thru life,

So out of place,

All alone,

No where to go,

Hate and sorrow,

Her main emotions.


Lost in life,

Nobody knows,

Somethings wrong,

Somethings there,

Her hearts still beating,

It's slowly fadeing.


The voices,

The voices,

Their in her head,

The visions,

The visions,

They won't go away.


The sorrow,

The anger,

The fear,

The guilt,

Their so unbearable,

Oh so terrible.


She's always wanted to be a part of something,

Something real,

Something true,

Something where she's truley accepted.


She finds herself fighting thru life,

Sometimes she wonders how she made it this far,

Times been wasted,

It's gone away,

It's hard to say that everything will be ok.

The author's comments:

This poem is about a girl who struggles in life but still gets far in life.

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