The Ride That Stopped | Teen Ink

The Ride That Stopped

October 4, 2015
By kiranstump BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
kiranstump BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“The Magnum!” we scream.
The great big metal structure
looking down upon us and
towering above us.
Leaving all our thoughts behind,
sprinting through the maze of metal bars.
Until we see the endless line.
The world slows, what once were minutes seemed like years.
Soon enough the cart arrives,
the black and white cart streaked with bright red paint.
The belt clicks and we are in.
The bar drops and it is locks.
What once was safety is no longer a thing,
as the cart jolts forward as we round the corner,
our treacherous journey has begun.
Up up up we go.
Soon the cart will reach the top,
but then comes the endless drop.
No screams.
No cheers.
No sound at all, too scared to even move at all.
The cart was stuck, no moving at all.
I fear that any sudden movements and I will plummet to my death.
The ground beneath like rushing water,
just waiting to tear us apart.
My heart at first was not even there
not beating, but just sitting there.
Then there it was beating loud
almost overpowering the crowd.
Then came the clicking cart in sync with the endless beat.
There we were moving again,
we continued up until we went down.
Down we went,
then it was left,
and then it was right.
it was too fast to know.
Never ending, there always was another turn,
until we went through the tunnel.
Rounding the corner we saw the end,
the comforting place that we can't comprehend
As the cart slows, then stops,
I see the fear level slowly drop.
We had never froze on a ride .
Neither my friend nor I.
The sigh of relief soon after,
only to make sure we were alive.
Realizing that we were safe.
That we had made it through the endless ride,
the place where you cannot hide.
Hopping out of the cart,
moving faster than a dart.
Immediately turning to one another
going on about how awesome that was.
Going along just for the fun of it.
Dashing down the stairs we go,
out the gate and past the lines.
Our parents waiting with wide eyes,
"Were you the ones on that ride?"

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