The Feeling of Music | Teen Ink

The Feeling of Music

October 8, 2015
By meganconnellyyy BRONZE, Clio, Michigan
meganconnellyyy BRONZE, Clio, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Music is a blessing from the gods.

It is a sound, but it is not a sound.

Rather, it is a feeling.

Not everybody is capable of feeling it.


You can not say you love music unless you make it.

To feel music, you must either be making it or listening and having the urge to make it.


Listen to the sweet sound of strings. Listen to a flute's melody. Listen to the sound of a trumpet.

If you can feel it, then it should change your emotion.


Some wonder why I am so passionate about music.

It's what i love to do,

it changes my emotion, and that is what I love.


I believe that me being a musician was God's plan.

No matter what mood I am in,

music always changes it. 

I feel at peace and have no worries when I get to sit down and do what I love.

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