Peppered Lilies | Teen Ink

Peppered Lilies

October 2, 2015
By Hollie.a.s. BRONZE, Milton, Georgia
Hollie.a.s. BRONZE, Milton, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


          silvery tears peppered lilies and sank down

Upon a smooth, gray individual

A singularity with a sparkly knack for speaking and distaste for

Time in our world and anything shallow, (ponds or people)


The thing up and told the

Princess one day that her Charming

Ran off with Drizella, "with a kick and a rev they rode on!"

Away from pretty curls and a little shattered heart so un-


Happily left in the pixie-less dust.

Ever, forever, severed, pretty, lost

After years of daring, dreaming, and carrying on


The damsel packed up her pumpkin and set out for the

End of the horizon, heels glinting, heart hurting, head high.

The author's comments:

I was buried under an entire metropolitan area of Thursday Night Homework Towers when I thought up the concept for this poem-of-sorts. The first word of every line adds up to the bigger picture/main idea of the piece that I am trying to convey. 

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