Friends | Teen Ink


September 29, 2015
By kriti224 BRONZE, Vadodara, Washington
kriti224 BRONZE, Vadodara, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What comes in your mind when you think ‘friends’?

Most of them would say memories.
Some would say smiles, laughs and long-talks.
Some would say lost.
Everyone has had friends or maybe just a friend in some point of their lives.
Nobody can survive alone in this cruel world.
Everybody needs a person to understand them, laugh with them, cry with them, hug them when they are sad or happy, irritate them and stay with them.
And it can be anyone.
There’s no ‘type’ in friends.
It’s just a random person who suddenly drops in your life and makes it worth living.
And that person can perhaps never ever be replaced.
You get that rare understanding which you get with no one else.
Sometimes you lose that person.
Like that person just came and went like a flash.
A moment of brightness and then a permanent blackout.
That brightness was maybe the happiest time of yours.
The time which you crave till now.
And you know you will…always
You know you will never get ‘that’ friend back…but you know those memories will always make you laugh or cry.
Those memories will make you remember the best moments.
And you know you can’t wipe those.
You start looking for replacements. For the one who can fill that black space with colors and can again bring the brightness in your life once again.
It isn’t that easy.
You start looking for the same things in the new person. And when you realize it can never be the same…you hurt that person who came to you considering you as a new friend.
You are hurt. You hurt the other.
That’s not justice.
You will never realize that mistake…but one day you feel extremely guilty about losing two of your friends.
Because when you lose a friend, you lose a part of your soul.
But, sometimes you are wise enough to not lose friends.
Those people are inseparable parts of yours.
You can’t live without sharing anything with them.
You care about them a lot.
You can kill the one who hurts your friend.
You don’t feel ashamed in front of them about doing any stuff.
You are extra-protective for them.
You trust them blindly.
You never doubt them.
They may be from school.
They may be from college.
They may be your parents.
They may be your brothers, sisters or cousins.
It doesn’t matter what they look like…where they live or what their age is.
When it’s a friend, it’s a friend.
And you are proud of them.
Though you insult them, curse them, make fun of them or irritate them…and they hate you for that…yet you know they are never going to leave you midway and they know you are never going to leave them too.
They are also no less…they embarrass you in front of the many…they make fun of you when you actually are very happy…they laugh at you.
But, they are always there when you need them to take care of you…to make you gain that faith in yourselves which you lost…to make you smile when you don’t want to.
They stick up for you when someone hurts you or makes you feel bad about yourself. And you know that person is in deep trouble.  : P
And, you love them from the core of your heart.
They are those charms sent on the earth for you to make your life easier and make you feel special.
And you gotta live that feeling and those moments.
You all may choose different paths.
You all may be in different directions.
You all may not meet as frequently as you now.
Though you won’t meet yet there will always be some people who at least have not forgotten you and are there for you whenever needed.
There will always be some memories to relive.
All the funny selfies…random jokes…sneak-outs…secrets…behind-the-back-talks and the other unforgettable stuff.
Go on and live every part of it because you are lucky enough to have friends.

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