Bonfire | Teen Ink


October 1, 2015
By phillip24 BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
phillip24 BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a cool, summer night
The air was quiet but for one sound
A simple bonfire.

It sputtered and cracked as the fire grew hotter,
clearing it’s throat before speaking.
Embers danced around it like fireflies,
It’s radiant heat enveloped us like a warm blanket,
Shielding us from the ever cooling night.
It’s shining, bellowing blaze was a beacon in a black sea of darkness

My sister stood back, frightened by the fire’s ferocity
My grandma simply in her rickety lawnchair and watched
I simply stood frozen by its beauty.
It was the first time I had ever seen a bonfire before.
How could it be so lifelike?

It was like watching a life cycle
From birth to death
Breathtaking throughout
A simple bonfire.

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