Happiness, Love, and Forgiveness | Teen Ink

Happiness, Love, and Forgiveness

September 20, 2015
By Maddij16 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Maddij16 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the days

that felt like watching paint dry...
From where the night games (hide n seek, and tag)
didn't stop until my sisters and I heard
my dad's whistle

I am from waking up to
my dog crying until she saw me sitting up in bed...
From crispy, sizzling
bacon, soft, fluffy "Pamcakes,” and
Sweet, sticky maple syrup.

I am from having family gatherings
Every 4th of July at my aunt and uncle's house...
From getting Taylor, Carysa, and my cousin Ben
in the pool to make a whirlpool that would be impossible to stop.

I am from love,
forgiving, not giving up on each other family...
From heartbreaking lies,
Mistakes forgiven,
And sisters arguing but never stopping the love,
for me.

I am from taking extensive notes and three hour of re-reading,
To dreading hour (or more) homework assignments...
From where I grew up, to who I hang out with, and how hard it is to get people's acceptance.

I am from where I grew up didn't define who I am,
Where my grades don’t define what I know,
Where who I hang out with will not switch my personality.

I am Madison Lisa Jorgensen
From Hartland, and a family of five,
That no matter what, I know they will be there for me.

Happiness, love, and forgiveness
is where I am from and that won't ever change who I am
or where I belong.

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