Your Cold | Teen Ink

Your Cold

September 4, 2015
By too-normal-to-function GOLD, Natick, Massachusetts
too-normal-to-function GOLD, Natick, Massachusetts
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Illuminated by mere moonlight,
I took a stroll by
our grave.
Headstones weathered,
dates worn,
but I remember


were the softer years,
the years of laughter
and love
and hope
and dreams.
The years when the sun
would never set
until we were ready.


And then the night came,
night of shimmering faith.
We gazed at the stars,
thinking of the future,
forgetting our past.
The past of stolen moments.
of once forsaken love.


You were there
by my side,
arms enveloping me
in a warm embrace.
Love radiated from you
to me.
I felt all of it.


It was when the sun
was hidden in clouds
that I first realized
our life was not
what I thought it
to be.


The sun
rose and set
without our consent.
Nights were spent together still,
yet we seemed to be


I woke up one day
without arms wrapped around
The other half of the bed was
like ice.
I walked downstairs.
Each step creaked.
The hardwood floor was
beneath my feet.
The house was silent.
It was empty.
And I was


There was no note
No sign that you were
I thought you’d just
run to the store.

I thought you were
coming back.


I came to our grave today
looking for you,
looking for something,
anything, that would?
give me a sign.


But you weren’t there

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