Twilight | Teen Ink


August 23, 2015
By Philosopher SILVER, New York City, New York
Philosopher SILVER, New York City, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One must still have chaos with in himself to give birth to a dancing star."- Friedrich Nietzsche

                                                As I sit over the steep         
                                                    Balcony with my book on my lap
                                            I look up to see a orange figure rising out from
                                                  The sea. One of the oranges sides
                                              Reflects its gloomy darkness while the
                                            Other oranges sides reflects a dazzling
                                          Scarlet glistening color of light.
                                       I see one half of the orange in the dazzling
                             Vast sparkling ocean. The oranges side moves as the
                                Ocean waves rumble and tussle. The oranges side seems
                                     Too much like a mirage appearing and disappearing.
                                           A deep feeling of calm and peace wash over me
                                                 As the beautiful Twilights sets upon my town.

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