Utopia | Teen Ink


August 16, 2015
By EmmyS SILVER, Rockville, Maryland
EmmyS SILVER, Rockville, Maryland
8 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Wouldn’t life be easier
if we were raised as children who could say whatever we wanted
play the games we wanted to play
if we could choose the snacks and backpacks we craved
and stay oblivious to the harsh truths of reality?

Wouldn’t life be easier
if we were teenagers who weren’t afraid of people judging what we wore
critics of everything we did, or said, or thought
if we could act young without being sneered at and ridiculed
free to dance in the rain, washing away the day’s superficial worries?

Wouldn’t life be easier
if we could be adults who had no need to worry about reputations
spending money without puzzling over taxes, fees, obligations
if we could escape the looming dark cloud of burdens
and not be afraid of mistakes and the oncoming future?

Wouldn’t life be so much easier
if society wasn’t so adamant on creating conformity
forcing invisible rules and laws upon us that we had to follow
if we didn’t need to drink in the latest fashions and trends
and imitate them in order to be accepted?

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