Losing | Teen Ink


August 8, 2015
By Rennnnnnnnnnnn6 BRONZE, Bernardsville, New Jersey
Rennnnnnnnnnnn6 BRONZE, Bernardsville, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Losing is
A car ride home with statues
Who possess fiery


Losing is
A lecture
By a professor
You do not like


Losing is
A confrontation
With the gamblers
Who bet on the wrong horse


Losing is
A game of monopoly
You wish you
Never started


Losing is
A rhetorical question
You want
The answer to


Losing is
A treasure hunt
With pirates
And plastic pearls


Losing is
A handshake
With a girl who sports
Blood red nail polish

Losing is
The realization
That crickets begin chirping
At exactly 3:30 A.M


Losing is
A text message
That reads
It was a good match but..


Losing will be
An acceptance
Of yesterday’s


Losing will be
An understanding
That the best is yet
To come


Losing will be
The death
Of the past
Embracing of the future


Losing will be
Having the courage
To never
Give up

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