Artificial Evolution | Teen Ink

Artificial Evolution

July 29, 2015
By athuang SILVER, Short Hills, New Jersey
athuang SILVER, Short Hills, New Jersey
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The world is but a canvas to our imagination." -Henry David Thoreau

Artificial Evolution

We thrash our way out of the
womb, trilling a clear melody,
blunt voices encompassing an attentive audience.
Unabridged, we grow; any
troubles of aesthetics an aloof cousin,
glamour a dazed, two-dimensional word.


Yet here starts the hour and we misplace
wedges of ourselves; suffocating on
puddles of maquillage, skimming our eyelashes
with a plastic twig drenched in synthetics. We
embrace our new selves,
artificial beauty our new drug.
And when even that pleads to no longer suffice,
we hammer an engineered front into
our now-empty frames; tormented weeks a
mere repercussion to gain the flawed beauty
screeched out by this drowning nation.
And so we create an orchestrated facade,
society the lone conductor, performing to the desolate audience a weeping symphony,
unwavering to our
artificial evolution.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece after reading a magazine article on plastic surgery and the dangers of it, and I was wondering how such things could really change our life and society.

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