Sea Foam Sky | Teen Ink

Sea Foam Sky

July 28, 2015
By ClaireBoes GOLD, Council Bluffs, Iowa
ClaireBoes GOLD, Council Bluffs, Iowa
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I've cried, and you'd think I'd be better for it, but the sadness just sleeps, and it stays in my spine the rest of my life." -Conor Oberst

They kiss under a sea foam sky
All laughter and giddy smiles

Their shirts blow like kites behind them
Puppy tails and loose ends

A wisp of hair tucked behind her ear
A strand of untamed

His eyes glitter like a late summer pond
A lake, full, brimming with sunset light

Irridescent grins with giggles attached to the back
A trailing string of summery heat

And their arms are wrapping like blister packs around each other
Noticing every curve, every dip

They run the terrain of each others' skin like a cross country road trip
Swooping and diving, swerving around corners

They kissed under a sea foam sky
All gentle words and tied off ends

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