Wisdom | Teen Ink


July 8, 2015
By MJPRY BRONZE, Wrangell, Alaska
MJPRY BRONZE, Wrangell, Alaska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You've got to make a statement. You've got to look inside yourself and say, "What am I willing to put up with today?"
~ Arin Hanson

I had my wisdom teeth taken out not too long ago.
I remember very little of the operation,
Being afraid
Being told there would be a small prick of pain...
But I would forget it.
Apparently most people didn't even remember falling asleep.


I saw a needle go into my iv bag and white clouds erupting from the tip into the clear liquid.


I don't remember anything else.
I just slipped away.
I wasn't asleep.
Sleeping always leaves me aware of time gone by.
I was simply away from myself.
No time happened to me,
But it did happen.
Two hours of it.
Babies were born,
People got married,
Won races,
Discovered their favorite song,


And I wasn't there for it.


But I think that's okay.


I imagine death is a lot like "going under."
There is no more you.
There is no more sleepy awareness of time passing.
There is no more joy or pain.
The world don't stop for you.
You don't stop for it.


You just... aren't, anymore.

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