Judgment | Teen Ink


June 27, 2015
By kennedy01 SILVER, Lititz, Pennsylvania
kennedy01 SILVER, Lititz, Pennsylvania
5 articles 2 photos 0 comments

There’s something odd and peculiar about this generation and the many generations to come,
We find fear in every corner and crevice of our lives
We’re like deer in headlights,
Frozen and scared,
Contemplating each move that follows
Everyone is so afraid to be judged that there is no one left with the will power to judge
We aren’t living these days
Having a heart beat does not qualify as “living”
Living is enjoying your life
Doing without thinking
Living is not hiding in the darkness
Living is the thrill you get from breaking a rule
Or doing something that you love
Being alive and living are two separate things that are too often mixed
Everyone is scared to die but since when is everyone scared to live

The author's comments:

I wrote this as a slam poem for an english assignment at the end of my 7th grade year

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