Mother | Teen Ink


June 6, 2015
By Haley Waise BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
Haley Waise BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Her seamless loving nature
embraces my transgressions and
offers forgiveness,
supplying gracious faith to make mistakes
and still be accepted.

The soothing touch of her fingertips creating
circles on my back; each one deliberately dotted
in the middle with a tap of compassion.
Her radiant smile ridding me of my daily sufferings,
while weaving in a new patchwork of positivity.

The innocent, yet prideful, girl looks up to her inspiration
with quizzical eyes for the steering light in life’s travels,
as darkness lingers around my decisions
like cigarette smoke clouding rationality.

As the chill wind of uncertainty blows across my
thoughts, she counteracts with courage––my
hand resting in the curvature of her palm
with every step of both failure and success.

When the sun sets below the horizon
and I close the book of lengthy algorithms,
she opens up to a new chapter of our book
and softly whispers her warm breath into my ear:
I love you.

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