My Generation | Teen Ink

My Generation

June 8, 2015
By ajbutler SILVER, Oakland, New Jersey
ajbutler SILVER, Oakland, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Your generation takes pictures of everything”

“Your generation would tweet the world ending”
“Your generation is filled with too much technology”

Teasing mocking words spoken as a joke,
To show your wise opinions over us,
But you do not understand, the words.
Tweet, imessage, emoji, hashtag
Awkwardly jumble out of your mouth
Sit heavily upon your tongue,
Because we are more connected then ever.
My generation knows no boundaries.

If the world were to end,
We would send out our wishes
“I love you”
“Are you safe”
We would hashtag pictures,
Which would hyperlink thousands of viewpoints together
So we could judge the damage.
It would mean up to the second updates of,
“I’m scared.”
“I’m sorry”
“I love you.”
It would eliminate confusion,
Phone lines,
wouldn’t become as entangled as they did in the the tragedy of 9/11.

Do you think when husbands left Europe in the 1500s,
To forge a better life for their families in the New World,
Their wives didn’t long for communication,
a way to hear their voice or see their faces?
In the same manner when my moms best friends husband
Was drafted to Iraq,
Her family would never be more then a few feet from a computer
So her three kids could see their dad
To make sure he was okay,
To say
“Be safe”
“I love you”
“Come home soon”

Distance becomes relative,
The aching longing for loved ones
Can be partially appeased
Facetime, live chats,
We “like” our friends pictures
To show our support,
We broaden our horizons
With friendships, relationships
That reach farther then our hands may ever touch
Touch screens have allowed us
To touch more knowledge

We show our support,
We rally for causes,
We bring together hundreds of people
Who otherwise never would have met.

That’s what my generation has.

My world knows no limits,
Curiosity has no bounds.
We have untapped potential buzzing in our hands
A few buttons to change dozens of perspectives.

You say we isolate on our phones,
That we don’t know how to interact
We’re ruining the world,
But really I think
We’re making the world more manageable,
Less scary.
We are increasing our knowledge, culture, experiences.
Eliminating causes that have been a mess for years.
We are broadcasting an image we choose to the world
We have power
I am exploring, creating, connecting, and discovering myself.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 13 2015 at 11:54 pm
JazzyB2002 SILVER, Sauk Centre, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who actually do."
-Steve Jobs

DAAAAANNNNGGGGG!!!!!!! You've got major talent!!!!!!