Driving a Car is Not | Teen Ink

Driving a Car is Not

June 4, 2015
By SkyDeer PLATINUM, Mebane, North Carolina
SkyDeer PLATINUM, Mebane, North Carolina
20 articles 19 photos 49 comments

Favorite Quote:
Respect the nerds, they will be your boss someday- The Computer Guy.
The best is yet to come and baby won't it be fine- A band.
Defiant is the best word in the dictionary!

That’s what they say it will be

Second nature
Maybe I missed first?

Like driving a bike
Because hitting a pedestrian is a bigger deal

Long awaited freedom
Threats of being locked up is quite the opposite

The wind whipping in your hair
It’s just a lot of fumes

Passage to adulthood
I’m pretty sure I’ll still be eighteen on June the sixth

A skill of mine

The author's comments:

Not very poetic, but this is one of several pieces of writing done to get out frustration at my failure to learn to drive.  

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