Fishing With You | Teen Ink

Fishing With You

June 1, 2015
By lexham SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
lexham SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

It was from you
that I learned to fish
that I learned to love fishing
because when I was little
we never
stopped fishing

It was from you
that I learned to miss people
because I went nine months at a time
missing you

It was from you
that I learned
what it was like to be scared but brave
because you were in Iraq
and I was here, fishing

It was from you that I learned to guard my heart
because for awhile
you weren’t my dad
just my father and I felt
I didn’t want any fish
in any sea
to fish at all

It was from you
that I learned mistakes are okay
because you’ve made mistakes
but here we are, my brother and I,
two beautiful children
who’ve never been less
than taken care of
still fishing

It was because of
you that I learned
to love again
because you left
but you came back to me
you lost yourself
and all of us
and you still came back to me
I got to fish again
I love you dad
Let’s go fishing


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