Meeting in the Cosmos | Teen Ink

Meeting in the Cosmos

June 2, 2015
By Pdvarona PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
Pdvarona PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
28 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Do you think the universe fights for two souls to be together?

Do you think that fate
destiny and serendipity all hold a conference somewhere in the cosmos
Where they meet with two names in mind
Two faces
Two completely different paths
And stories
And somehow decide these two worlds should collide
Whether it be for a minute
As the girl turns with her phone to her ear
And sees him walking towards her with a smile
Whether it be for days
As they meet time and time again over coffees
Or whether it be for lifetimes
Somehow fate and destiny decide that these two distinct souls
Belong in each other’s company
And once they’ve made up their minds
rarely anything can stop them
Not the rejection of a society that condemns them
Not the fiery spirits of two souls so incredibly independent that it can be a challenge to coexist
Not the obstacles that say no
Serendipity smiles
And says yes
She dances with delight as she gets ready to fight
To stir something within him so he’ll pick up the phone and dial that number
So the girl will return to that coffee shop where she once shared hidden moments and hushed secrets
Only to find him sitting there at their spot
Fate and destiny sigh in relief
Knowing their work has only begun
but all the while knowing that these two souls
That shouldn’t be together
According to the rest of the world
Belong together
According to them

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