Clinton's Pursuit | Teen Ink

Clinton's Pursuit

May 29, 2015
By TeddieO. GOLD, Rowe, Massachusetts
TeddieO. GOLD, Rowe, Massachusetts
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pardon me if I’m being rude, but it just doesn’t make any sense;
the way that people are with each other.
It’s painful to watch the ignorant
who think that they know everything, and it drives me absolutely
insane listening to the people who think that they are
the only ones who are right,
and it’s not an abomination to love differently or to
raise your children to have high standards,
and teaching people that they can be anything is fine,
and nose jobs aren’t ludicrous.  Being idealistic isn’t
necessarily a bad idea, and if you want
to wear white shoes with black hosiery then
don’t let them convince you otherwise.
Watch inappropriate movies with the volume
turned up and drink soy lattes and swear loudly
and endorse politicians and support human rights
and eat eggs with ketchup and
use white noise machines and dive off bridges and
chew your gum with your mouth open
and spit it at people who swallow too loudly on the
subway.  Drink beer while white-water rafting
and use recyclable coffee filters and shop at
Whole Foods and use paper towels as
origami and make a public spectacle of yourself
doing unspeakable things in the stacks at the library
surrounded by Shaw and Plath and Hemingway –
they’re dead; they don’t mind.
Swallow orange seeds and take pictures
of one-legged pigeons and give trail mix
to homeless men; enjoy Melissa McCarthy
and appreciate Yoko Ono.  Wear corsets to that god-awful,
self-righteous seminary for people who have too little to do.  Breath
all the idiocy in.  Join it.  Throw popcorn at people during movie matinees.
If you’d like to, that is.

The author's comments:

"Hot topic" prompt: pick a presidential candidate and write a rant pertaining to them.

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