Please Stop Being Ignorant | Teen Ink

Please Stop Being Ignorant

May 27, 2015
By TomWulf BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
TomWulf BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do they speak English in what?

You pack your bags and leave the country

In the believe of bringing peace, you violent Gandhi!

You suppose you have no other perspectives-

An Outcast by your country neglected


So you mean you can make a change

I have no doubt that they persuade-

You with all their terrible lies

You think, that's worth to go out and die?


They tie a lie around your waist

So innocent lives will go to waste

They tell you that the book is your mission

You think, you're doing this for what you call religion


It really is just power, oil and money

And the enslavement of a country

Please stop being ignorant, these ideas are not true

No god would be proud of this, no virgins wait for you

The author's comments:

After reading an article in the Rolling Stone I came to realize how terror organizations are able to find a lot of new young followers everywhere across the globe

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