Empty | Teen Ink


May 22, 2015
By Mekayla lynn SILVER, Sterling, Illinois
Mekayla lynn SILVER, Sterling, Illinois
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
You Have Two Lives, The One You're Given And The One You Make.
Pray the hardest when it's the hardest to pray.

The feeling of sadness and hopelessness are not all depression is.
It’s a feeling of nothing, numbness and empty.
You can’t find the water to cry, you can’t find the power to smile.
You’ve done it so long, pretending everything is ok.
You’ve done it so well you have started to believe it yourself.
But when you wake up each morning,
Fighting with your mind and body,
Convincing yourself that today will be the day.
Today will be the day when you feel something,
Without having to take that blade across your skin,
Today will be the day when you will be accepted,
Not only by those around you,
By yourself as well.
Today will be the day you don’t need to cry.
You don’t have to apologize for existing.
You won’t have to fight with your mind.
You’ll be at peace with the world.
But that day never comes,
And it seems as if it never will.
Waiting on a miracle, that’s how it seems.
Waiting takes too long,
Your hearts busting at its seams.
The feelings are too much anymore,
You’re not as strong as you once were.
You just want a break, for a moment at least.
The times running off your clock,
You can feel it inside.
You’re barley hanging on anymore
You’re just thinking about falling.
That’s not an option, it’s not acceptable.
That’s what you hear from everyone.
But they don’t understand.
They don’t get what goes on in your head.
They couldn’t even imagine.
They never ask,
They never worry about it.
“I don’t want help; I don’t want you to fix me”.
I just want someone to listen to my cries.

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