Hopeful | Teen Ink


May 22, 2015
By Mekayla lynn SILVER, Sterling, Illinois
Mekayla lynn SILVER, Sterling, Illinois
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
You Have Two Lives, The One You're Given And The One You Make.
Pray the hardest when it's the hardest to pray.

They say things get better with time, and hope.
But where do you turn when the time has run out?
When your hope has hidden itself in the shadows of your despair?
When all is lost within the battlefield, and forgotten in the end.
No one questions the silence, no one threatens the predator.
It all goes unanswered, untouched, forgotten by the helpless.
Your left lost within yourself, your own body and mind.
Lost in something you have grown so familiar in.
But you don’t recognize it any longer, you don’t see you.
You see what you’ve changed yourself to be, what you’ve created.
This “new and improved” idea of what you should be.
Based on the thoughts of others of course.
You lost your voice long ago, when you wanted to be hidden.
When you wanted to blend in with everyone else.
When you wanted to be “normal”
No matter what you did to yourself though, you would never be good enough.
You know that, you knew that, from day one,
But you just told yourself that it would work.
You’re a screw up to your mom, can’t do anything right.
You’re not the daughter your dad wanted, you’re imperfect.
You have no potential, that’s what everyone said.
But you were tired of the games they all played with you.
You broke down for a while,
But came back stronger than ever.
They say things get better with time, and hope.
They do, I know that for a fact,
But where do you turn when the time has run out?
You turn back to yourself, because that’s the only exception.
When your hope has hidden itself in the shadows of your despair?
You pull the hope from within your heart.
When all is lost within the battlefield, and forgotten in the end.
It may be lost and forgotten but it is NOT over.
It all goes unanswered, untouched, forgotten by the helpless.
You have been broken but you have not been forgotten.
Your left lost within yourself, your own body and mind.
Now stronger than ever, there’s no losing.
Lost in something you have grown so familiar in.
But you don’t recognize it any longer, you don’t see you.
But you have found yourself once again,
In the end no one else matters.
You push on in the world, humbly hopeful and proud
Creating memories and reaching goals.
And yet, not so long ago, you were broken and confused.

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