How to Live your Life | Teen Ink

How to Live your Life

May 21, 2015
By Muskaan Aggarwal PLATINUM, Folsom, California
Muskaan Aggarwal PLATINUM, Folsom, California
38 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Leaves floated down from the autumn filled sky...

A hue of wondrous colors had been cast of the she world as the sun began to

settle into a deep sleep till morning...

A woman whose shoulders had been weighed down with responsibility walked

along the road that led to her home...

At times she would stop and begin to think about her life, the economy and her

home, the one that she would soon have to leave because she had been unable to

pay the loan...

As she walked nearer to her most cherished place, the place she would soon

have to leave, she began to cry very softly...

Questions that she had long suppressed began to flood her mind...

Why, why she thought did life always have to bump against me so hard?

Why can’t I die? What do I have left to live for?...

And then she saw two kids playing with leaves...

She noticed that the clothes they were wearing weren’t too great and their house

was kind of shabby looking as well, but they were still jubilant and content with

their lives...

It was then that she realized that no one ever had it easy, everyone had a battle

going on inside themselves or in their lives, but one had to be hopeful that

tomorrow would be better and they had to try to make the most of today...

With this thought she began to think about all the good things in her life: she was

established with a good job and she was fit...

What else could she want?...

She looked up at the sunset and saw that life was supposed to be lived in the

positive side of each thing not the negative, but for some reason, all humans had

begun to live in their problems instead of the moment...

Humans counted their lives in years not memories, happy times, achievements or

lifelong lessons...

Looking at the sunset taught that woman the most valuable lesson of her life; we

shouldn’t live in problems, but solutions, we should count cherished memories

not years of being alive and we should always force ourselves to be happy no

matter what the circumstance is because there is always a tomorrow for


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