I'm Sorry | Teen Ink

I'm Sorry

May 15, 2015
By Sprinklez_Sparklez BRONZE, Casey, Illinois
Sprinklez_Sparklez BRONZE, Casey, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


I'm SORRY if I hurt your feelings

I'M SORRY if I messed up your world

I'M SORRY but you also did mine

You told me you loved me, even though I knew tou were lying

You acted like you cared, and again, you were lying

But you drank to much, you slept around, you came home late

You hit me and beat me, and I just kept saying I'M SORRY

So, I'M SORRY that I did not look the best

I'M SORRY that I cryed

But most of all I'M SORRY that I let  you into my life

The author's comments:

Freshmen year I thought I was in love with this, at the time, amazing guy. I knew he drank, but i thought it was just not a lot and not that much. I had to hear it from my friends that he was cheating on me with one of my ex friends. He would hit me call me names, I thought it was my fault, because, well he made me feel like it was.

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