Ingredients for Insomnia | Teen Ink

Ingredients for Insomnia

May 15, 2015
By Christy_Winters SILVER, Does It Matter?, Other
Christy_Winters SILVER, Does It Matter?, Other
8 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So I began to think maybe it was true that when you are married and had children it was like being brainwashed, and afterwards you went about as numb as a slave in a totalitarian state." - Sylvia Plat, The Bell Jar

I’m washed over with exhaustion
And yet my mind will not abide
As my thoughts come and go
Unceasingly as the ocean’s tide
A jumpy, unreliable mechanism
Fluttering from thought to thought
My mind sailed off the edge of the world
And down the Milky Way it went
Amongst the stars it pioneered
Beautifully lost but completely hell-bent
Words whirl and swirl
Around my mind
Amalgamating into a tornado
That crashes against my cranium
Constantly. Deafeningly.
Destroying all hope of coherent thought or coherent silence –
So I write –
I meet their need for attention
Like a mother to her crying infant
And maybe their writhing and wailing
Will soften and become satisfyingly distant
But to do all that is to explore your mind
And well…you might not like what you find
Stumbling into a shadowy abyss
Where demons dance and angels hiss
And you look for a way to crawl back out
But you delved in an inch too deep
And the retreat just seems excessively steep
But then you start to relish this undiscovered dwelling
Because something about it is quite…compelling
A reservoir of dark temptations
That’s free of all rules and regulations
And you savor in the knowledge
That even though there’s this little black bit
That lives in your heart
It hasn’t started to rip you to shreds
And tear you apart
In fact it has you rather enlightened
Your desires are known
And your senses heightened –
The thoughts erupt again
With the destruction of lava they flow and flow
The suffocating ash starts to snow and snow
And there’s only one way to make it slow –
Pick up the pen.
Pick up the paper.
This is the curse of my mind.

The author's comments:

Having an overly active mind has kept me sleep deprived for most my life, as I'm sure it does most young writers, so here's a cheers to insomnia for my creativity. When I read this in the morning I realised I incorporated some Elizabeth Barret Browning A Curse For A Nation. So any of you who liked this poem might find it worth while checking it out x 

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