Ode to My Place | Teen Ink

Ode to My Place

May 11, 2015
By ChefSmooth SILVER, Spring, Texas
ChefSmooth SILVER, Spring, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He has soul. He welcomes all and their bringings. The laughter, the tears, and the deep talks with lost friends are a must.


He has a retro '50's style, with checkerboard patterns and a splash of red for accent. He has a unique, distinct smell - a strange mixture of delicious aromas and freshly lit tobacco. 


He is trusted with the secrets that are whispered into his ear. He provides a warm, comforting place to go in the midst of the black of the night when a friend's life just go shattered into one thousand pieces.


He welcomes the quiet love exchanged over chocolate chip pancakes, diet coke, and a shared cigarette.


He desires the booming laughter and stories told, a memorable time with a group of friends who stay long after even the dessert dishes are cleared. 

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