Thunderclap | Teen Ink


May 12, 2015
By sarahattiffanys GOLD, Hemet, California
sarahattiffanys GOLD, Hemet, California
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
One runs the risk of weeping when one allows himself to be tamed.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

we are so cruel to the human mind

we cage it inside these shrunken tries

teeter around in this mannequin

we keep on buying and selling our limbs

I have ideas becoming trashed and wasted

since I sold them to shrink my mannequin


I took magic pills to flush out the fuel

and I slowed my thoughts with a lightning bolt

then I set them on fire with a thunderclap


we are so cruel to the human mind

we take the desire and leave the good behind

I stole the bite from my black hole mouth

I did it to shrink my mannequin


I shot my deceny with a supersized bullet

I ran my lungs breathless into the dust

then I set them on fire with a thunderclap


we are so cruel to the human mind

dance and pack years into a single night

sweat in the summer and freeze in the winter

we do not believe in a thing called the reaper

I buried your hope in your body's coffin

I swear it was to shrink my mannequin


I survived in packed ice like a superhero

I pulled the curtains away from my eyes

then I set them on fire with a thunderclap


we are so cruel to the human mind

our smiles are embraced and our thoughts denied

I once walked upright but now I must crawl

I laugh in a huff and I speak in a drawl

I slipped a mottled wig on my empty head

I had to after shrinking my mannequin

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