In love with fear | Teen Ink

In love with fear

May 8, 2015
By TheBlackPoet567 GOLD, IN, Indiana
TheBlackPoet567 GOLD, IN, Indiana
13 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is a struggle requiring optimism and confidence

Instead of falling in love, we fall in love with out fears letting them control us and manipulate our minds. Yet falling in love with fear is more dangerous than even the idea of love. Fear doesn't love back yet it only causes pain. Leaving the what if's and why's in you are mind as you sit there letting time fly. To some the word fear is just a complex verb that rarely exist in their lives and, to others it's a death wish for their hearts and minds. Fear is nothing but a word that is acted out all because, the soul shuts down and the mind is all on its own. Though the situation is critical it still trys to stay under control yet, how can you concentrate with a gun pointed to your head. Yet the idea of love sounds just as sweet; much better than fear and its sour taste than is left on the taste buds on your tongue. Yet why do we fall in love with fear instead of an actual human being. Someone who is going to love us for us and, not play games that has us going crazy and wondering why we're alone. A revolutionary war between both the past and the present and, the outcome of the future. Not a gleam of satisfaction known all because fear wanted to haunt the living souls, that roam the bountiful earth. Yet the young pray for their lives because, the battle is not over yet for it has just begun all because fear wanted to be well known. 

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